Exhibition: ‘War from the Victims’ Perspective, Photographs by Jean Mohr’ at the Moscow Manege, Moscow

Exhibition dates: 11th November – 14th December 2014

An exhibition produced by the Musée de l’Elysée, Lausanne, and the Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Jean Mohr (Swiss, 1925-2018) 'Greek children, Strovolos camp planned for 1,600 people, Cyprus, 1974'


Jean Mohr (Swiss, 1925-2018)
Greek children, Strovolos camp planned for 1,600 people, Cyprus, 1974
© Jean Mohr, Musée de l’Elysée



It’s always the women and children that suffer.


Many thanxk to the Musée de l’Elysée, Lausanne and the Moscow Manege for allowing me to publish the photographs in the posting. Please click on the photographs for a larger version of the image.



Jean Mohr (Swiss, 1925-2018) 'Bullet-holes in a façade, Cyprus, 1974'


Jean Mohr (Swiss, 1925-2018)
Bullet-holes in a façade, Cyprus, 1974
© Jean Mohr, Musée de l’Elysée


Jean Mohr (Swiss, 1925-2018) 'Palestinian refugees camp, Gaza, 1979'


Jean Mohr (Swiss, 1925-2018)
Palestinian refugees camp, Gaza, 1979
© Jean Mohr, Musée de l’Elysée


Jean Mohr (Swiss, 1925-2018) 'Portrait of a Greek refugee, Larnaca, Cyprus, 1976'


Jean Mohr (Swiss, 1925-2018)
Portrait of a Greek refugee, Larnaca, Cyprus, 1976
© Jean Mohr, Musée de l’Elysée


Jean Mohr (Swiss, 1925-2018) 'Young Mozambican refugee, Nyimba camp, Zambia, 1968'


Jean Mohr (Swiss, 1925-2018)
Young Mozambican refugee, Nyimba camp, Zambia, 1968
© UNHCR / J. Mohr


Jean Mohr (Swiss, 1925-2018) 'Young Mozambican refugee who gave birth at the Lundo clinic, Tanzania, 1968'


Jean Mohr (Swiss, 1925-2018)
Young Mozambican refugee who gave birth at the Lundo clinic, Tanzania, 1968
© HCR/J.Mohr


Jean Mohr (Swiss, 1925-2018) 'School, Kyangwali camp, Uganda, 1968'


Jean Mohr (Swiss, 1925-2018)
School, Kyangwali camp, Uganda, 1968
© Jean Mohr, Musée de l’Elysée


Jean Mohr (Swiss, 1925-2018) 'A camp of 300 tents for 1,400 refugees, Lefkaritis, near Lamaca, Cyprus, 1974'


Jean Mohr (Swiss, 1925-2018)
A camp of 300 tents for 1,400 refugees, Lefkaritis, near Lamaca, Cyprus, 1974
© HCR/J.Mohr



War from the Victims’ Perspective, Photographs by Jean Mohr



Early on, Jean Mohr sought to understand and explain the drama of civilians trapped in belligerent situations. His reportages are the result of decades of experience, which saw a ICRC and UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) delegate transform himself into a full-time photographer, after a spell at an academy of painting.

More than 80 exhibitions worldwide have been dedicated to his work, including two at the Musée de l’Elysée in Lausanne that holds his collection. In 1978, at Photokina (Frankfurt’s major Photography Fair), Jean Mohr was awarded the prize for the photographer who had most consistently served the cause of human rights. He is one of the best representatives of humanist photography, masterfully balancing sensitivity and rigour, emotion and reflection, art and documentary evidence.

The exhibition addresses the issues of victims of conflicts, refugees and communities suffering from war and still under potential threat. It focuses on the emblematic cases of Palestine, Cyprus, and Africa. Other examples illustrate the universal problems of populations directly or indirectly enduring repercussions of war (in Iran, Pakistan, Nicaragua…).

Palestine, its refugee camps, precarious sanitary conditions, and the Gaza stalemate, whilst being the subject of major media attention, is a case worthy of reconsideration. It needs to be regularly re-explained and repositioned in the context of the Israeli-Arab conflict. The case of Cyprus serves as a reminder that the refugee problem still remains an issue for certain members of the European Union. Several hundreds of thousands of people were forced into exile. Africa too needed to be addressed, as the post-colonial conflicts forced millions into displacement. The fragility of these States, outlined as they are by inherited colonial borders, regularly fuels turmoil which leads to humanitarian crises. The refugee problem is present throughout the continent.

Focussing upon these three geographical regions presents the problem of war victims in an historical setting classified by theme: “Portraits of Exile”, “The Children’s Diaspora”, “Temporary Landscapes”, and “Life Goes On”. These photographs render a face to the casualties and retrace the steps of their displacement, from their settlement in the precariousness of the camps and reception centres to their attempts to adapt to an enduring situation.


Portraits of Exile

Featuring portraits of refugees from different countries and cultures, the first section gives a human face to the impact of conflict.

Temporary Landscapes

The second section deals with the impact that war has on people’s homes. The photos document the displacement process and the precarious settlement of victims in camps, reception centres, mosques and shanty towns.

The Children’s Diaspora

Featuring images that capture the day-to-day lives of war’s youngest victims, this section reveals the gamut of situations faced by child refugees, as well as the many and diverse activities they engage in. Some photos show children attending a medical centre or clinic, while others show them playing, dancing or in class at a temporary school.

Life Goes On

The final section documents how people adapt to temporary situations that stretch out indefinitely. The images illustrate how important the distribution of food and clothing is, as well as documenting efforts to ensure that refugees can continue their schooling and education. This section includes the iconic image of a young Mozambican refugee and her newborn baby in a clinic in Lundo, Tanzania.

Press release from the Musée de l’Elysée


Jean Mohr (Swiss, 1925-2018) 'A few days after the Six-Day War, an Israeli officer considers an ICRC proposal, under the gaze of a Palestinian boy, Kalandia village between Jerusalem and Ramallah, 1967'


Jean Mohr (Swiss, 1925-2018)
A few days after the Six-Day War, an Israeli officer considers an ICRC proposal, under the gaze of a Palestinian boy, Kalandia village between Jerusalem and Ramallah, 1967
© ICRC / Mohr, Jean


Jean Mohr (Swiss, 1925-2018) 'A needs assessment visit to stricken families, Khan Yunis, Gaza, 2002'


Jean Mohr (Swiss, 1925-2018)
A needs assessment visit to stricken families, Khan Yunis, Gaza, 2002


Jean Mohr (Swiss, 1925-2018) 'A needs assessment visit to stricken families, Khan Yunis, Gaza, 2002'


Jean Mohr (Swiss, 1925-2018)
A needs assessment visit to stricken families, Khan Yunis, Gaza, 2002


Jean Mohr (Swiss, 1925-2018) 'A young Mozambican refugee, Muhukuru clinic, Tanzania, 1968'


Jean Mohr (Swiss, 1925-2018)
A young Mozambican refugee, Muhukuru clinic, Tanzania, 1968
© HCR/J.Mohr


Jean Mohr (Swiss, 1925-2018) 'Young Greek refugee, Cyprus, 1976'


Jean Mohr (Swiss, 1925-2018)
Young Greek refugee, Cyprus, 1976
© Jean Mohr, Musée de l’Elysée


Jean Mohr (Swiss, 1925-2018) 'Kurdish refugees waiting for a food distribution, Qatr camp, Mahabad, Iran, 1991'


Jean Mohr (Swiss, 1925-2018)
Kurdish refugees waiting for a food distribution, Qatr camp, Mahabad, Iran, 1991
© ICRC/Mohr, Jean


Jean Mohr (Swiss, 1925-2018) 'The photographed photographer, Jerusalem, 1979'


Jean Mohr (Swiss, 1925-2018)
The photographed photographer, Jerusalem, 1979
© Jean Mohr, Musée de l’Elysée


Jean Mohr (Swiss, 1925-2018) 'Mozambican refugee at Sunday mass, Lundo installation area, Tanzania, 1968 The photographed photographer, Jerusalem, 1979'


Jean Mohr (Swiss, 1925-2018)
Mozambican refugee at Sunday mass, Lundo installation area, Tanzania, 1968
© UNHCR / J. Mohr



Moscow Manege
Manezhnaya ploschad (Manege Square), 1
Moscow 125009

Opening hours:
Tuesday – Sunday 12.00 – 22.00
Closed Monday

Moscow Manege website


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