Exhibition: ‘The Abstracted Landscape’ at the Laurence Miller Gallery, New York

Exhibition dates: 24th September – 14th November 2009

Exhibition artists: Peter Bialobrzeski, Stephane Couturier, DoDo Jin Ming, Toshio Shibata


Many thankx to Laurence Miller Gallery for allowing me to publish the photographs in the posting. Please click on the photographs for a larger version of the image.



DoDo Jin Ming. 'Behind My Eyes 2nd Movement, Plate I' 2002


DoDo Jin Ming (Chinese, b. 1955)
Behind My Eyes 2nd Movement, Plate I


DoDo Jin Ming. 'Behind My Eyes 2nd Movement, Plate VIII' 2003


DoDo Jin Ming (Chinese, b. 1955)
Behind My Eyes 2nd Movement, Plate VIII


DoDo Jin Ming. 'Free Element, Plate XXX' 2002


DoDo Jin Ming (Chinese, b. 1955)
Free Element, Plate XXX


Stephane Couturier. 'Olympic Parkway No. 1' 2001


Stéphane Couturier (French, b. 1957)
Olympic Parkway No. 1


Stephane Couturier. 'Proctor Valley No. 1' 2004


Stéphane Couturier (French, b. 1957)
Proctor Valley No. 1



Laurence Miller is pleased to present, as its opening show for the fall, The Abstracted Landscape, featuring the work of four midcareer international artists: Peter Bialobrzeski, from Hamburg; Stephane Couturier, from Paris; DoDo Jin Ming from Beijing and New York; and Toshio Shibata, from Tokyo.

These four photographers each translate the landscape into a poetic and abstract vision, utilising techniques and processes unique to photography to create scenes that remain sufficiently recognisable yet unobtainable through the naked eye. Peter Bialobrzeski, in his series Lost in Transition, photographs rapid urbanisation and industrialisation by taking very long exposures, which create other-worldly colours and lighting not visible to the naked eye. Stéphane Couturier embraces the camera’s monocularity in his series from Havana to flatten our normal reading of space and render totally ambiguous the walls of a decaying interior. DoDo Jin Ming, in her series Behind My Eyes, applies the technique of negative printing to render mysterious and foreboding fields of sunflowers. And Toshio Shibata wields his large view camera, with multiple tilts and swings, to look straight down the side of a dam, creating a vertigo-inducing viewpoint we would be unable (and perhaps unwilling) to see directly with our own eyes.

Abstraction in the landscape has a rich tradition within the history of photography. Felix Teynard’s Egyptian views from the mid-1850’s are wonderfully abstract, as are those of J.B. Greene and August Salzmann. Timothy O’Sullivan, Carlton Watkins and William Henry Jackson each made views of the American west from the 1806’s through the 1880’s, that were equally rich in detail and minimal in composition. In the 20th century there are many examples, from George Seeley to Paul Strand, through Moholy Nagy and the Bauhaus to Edward Weston’s glorious sand dunes.

Text from the Laurence Miller Gallery website [Online] Cited 12/10/2009 no longer available online


Toshio Shibata. 'Kashima Town, Fukushima Prefecture' 1990


Toshio Shibata (Japanese, b. 1949)
Kashima Town, Fukushima Prefecture


Toshio Shibata. 'Grand Coulee Dam, Douglas County, WA' 1996


Toshio Shibata (Japanese, b. 1949)
Grand Coulee Dam, Douglas County, WA


Peter Bialobzeski. 'Transition # 33' 2005


Peter Bialobrzeski (German, b. 1961)
Transition #33 from the series Lost in Transition


Peter Bialobrzeski. 'Transition # 20' 2005


Peter Bialobrzeski (German, b. 1961)
Transition #20 from the series Lost in Transition


Peter Bialobrzeski (German, b. 1961) 'Transition #23' 2005


Peter Bialobrzeski (German, b. 1961)
Transition #23 from the series Lost in Transition



Laurence Miller Gallery

Laurence Miller Gallery is now operating as a private dealer and consultant.

Laurence Millery Gallery website


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Author: Dr Marcus Bunyan

Australian artist, curator and writer. Doctor of Philosophy (RMIT University), Melbourne. Master of Art Curatorship (University of Melbourne), Melbourne. Master of Arts (RMIT University), Melbourne. BA (Hons) (RMIT University), Melbourne. A.R.C.M. (Associate of the Royal College of Music), London.

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