Opening: ‘Oleh Witer’ at Space 39 Gallery, Melbourne

Exhibition dates: 11th November – 22nd November 2008

Opening: Tuesday 11th November 2008



Oleh Witer. 'The Elephant Beetle' 2008 (installation view)


Oleh Witer (Australian)
The Elephant Beetle (installation view)
Oil in linen



A warm and lively crowd was in attendance for the opening of the latest Oleh Witer exhibition at Space 39 in Little Collins Street, Melbourne. Nine paintings are presented in the open space of the gallery and what magical paintings they are.

Two of the main canvases feature rearing beetles in the foreground, almost photo-realistically painted, lit from above while in the background geometric red and blue squares are overlaid by enigmatic shadows – almost as though the shadows were the interior structures of a fantastical light shade.

Other canvases feature a bee and a wasp facing each other with cellular geometric patterns and overlaid shadows in the background. Between these two seeming adversaries is a large canvas of a black skull with candle flickering in the it’s lobotomised top sitting on a spiral shape with geometric shapes and the shadows of an almost tarot like ‘ten of swords’ pattern overlaid to the background.

The strongest work features geometric forms with dark surrealist imagery. These are talismanic images with a strong connection to taoist and shamanic principles. A concern with the connection between all things is evident – archetypal pentagrams, spirals and swords are linked to the principles and proportions of the golden mean equation. Contemplation is required to access the inner meanings of the work but they reward extended looking as their magical phosphorescences are revealed over time. Recommended viewing.

Dr Marcus Bunyan


Oleh Witer. 'The Rhinoceros Beetle' 2008


Oleh Witer (Australian)
Installation view and opening crowd with The Rhinoceros Beetle
Oil on linen


Oleh Witer. 'The Bee' 2008 (installation view)


Oleh Witer (Australian)
The Bee (installation view)
Oil on linen



Space 39

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