World AIDS Day 2019

December 2019



Marcus Bunyan. 'How will it be when you have changed' 1994


Marcus Bunyan (Australian, b. 1958)
How will it be when you have changed
Silver gelatin photograph
© Marcus Bunyan



Remembering all my lovers, friends, and everyone who has passed or been affected by this disease on World AIDS Day.

To survive the initial wave was just luck of the draw. We lost so many people. Thinking of you all.

Marcus xx


The titles from this period tend to be poetic, pragmatic or composed, like Japanese haiku. The two photographs How will it be when you have changed and Tell me your face before you were born (1994, above) were included in the seminal exhibition Don’t Leave Me This Way: Art in the Age of AIDS at the National Gallery of Australia in 1994. Please click on the photographs for a larger version of the image.


Marcus Bunyan. 'Tell me your face before you were born' 1994


Marcus Bunyan (Australian, b. 1958)
Tell me your face before you were born
Silver gelatin photograph
© Marcus Bunyan



Marcus Bunyan black and white archive page


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