Exhibition space: ‘Neighbours cafe’, corner of Chapel Street and Inkerman Street, St Kilda, Melbourne

February 2022


Neighbours cafe



There is a free exhibition space available for all 2D artists at my wonderful local café, Neighbours, 42 Chapel Street, St Kilda, Melbourne.

The wall space consists of approximately 4.5m in the main body of the cafe and 10m in the extension out back (see photos)

The extension out back is probably not so good in the summer for photographs because of the heat and corrugated roof.

Dominic is the contact. He wants to have an exhibition change over every 2 months, so 6 shows a year and for the café to become a hub for art, to draw people together in the local area. He is very passionate about art being in our lives on an everyday basis, for it to be part of our daily visual interaction. Good stuff.

Please contact Dominic at neighbours.stkilda@outlook.com to discuss.

A good opportunity for any artist to show their work!


Please click on the photographs for a larger version of the image.



Neighbours cafe

Neighbours cafe

Neighbours cafe






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