Exhibition: ‘cowboys, cocks and natives’ by Patrick Christie at Green-Wood Gallery, Melbourne

Exhibition dates: 27th November – 7th December 2008


Patrick Christie. 'Black COCKatoo' 2008


Patrick Christie (Australian)
Black COCKatoo

53 x 44cm
ink on paper with hand embossing



This is the first exhibition by artist Patrick Christie exhibiting at Green-Wood gallery in South Melbourne. The ink illustrations are a mixed bag featuring native botanical specimens, beetles of various varieties and colourful birds – a red COCK, a blue peaCOCK and a black COCKatoo (the ‘cocks’ of the title). While the beetle images and the cowboy illustrations feel flat and uninspired it is the larger flower arrangements and the beautifully detailed birds that hold the attention.

With an abundance in the rendering of their subject matter both produce an uplifting cornucopia – vase, flowers, fruit and material overflowing; feathers of the Black COCKatoo repeating and blending like an Escher drawing into the gum leaves behind. The hand marks the page again and again forming exquisite line. Dutch still life of the 17th century come to mind with the flower arrangements and whilst I like the embossed word COCK under the bird images I am not sure it is really necessary. The drawings are strong enough to stand on their own.

There is real talent here. Yes the exhibition needed more conceptual rigour as the whole did not match the sum of the parts. Yes the framing needs attention especially in the bird series, where simpler frames with more space around the images would have let the work breathe but these things can be addressed. For an artist what needs to be there from the start is passion, a good eye and the talent to develop a personal language that is vibrant, interesting and unique – that can be nurtured and developed over many years. This exhibition sets Patrick Christie squarely on this path.

Dr Marcus Bunyan


Patrick Christie. '5 Wasps' 2008


Patrick Christie (Australian)
5 Wasps
67 x 50cm
ink on paper



Green-Wood Gallery

This gallery has now closed


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