Michael Leunig. ‘Meditation on two photographs’ 2014

April 2014


Michael Leunig. 'Meditation on two photographs' 2014


Michael Leunig (Australian, b. 1945)
Meditation on two photographs
Friday April 25, 2014
in The Age newspaper



Spot on as always, Michael Leunig. You never fail to hit the mark.

The Australian prime minister, Tony Abbott, sitting in the cockpit of a replica Joint Strike Fighter (Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II) aircraft, having committed the Australian government to spend $AUD12.4 billion to purchase 58 aircraft from America, plus another $AUD12 billion for ongoing support and maintenance. All at a time when the government is raising the pension age to 70 years old, cracking down on disability pensions, forcing people to start paying to go to the doctors, cutting health, education and support for pensioners.

Defence Minister David Johnston defended the billions in spending – less than a month before Treasurer Joe Hockey delivers a budget with expected cuts to health and welfare, while Labour opposition leader Bill Shorten backed the purchase, saying the previous Labor government believed the Joint Strike Fighter was the “right way to go”. Both Liberal and Labour parties are as bad as each other. They put boys toys before the welfare of their people – of the under privileged, the vulnerable and the needy.

Look at the inane smile of this man, like the Cheshire cat with the cream, with his thumbs up.

What will they do next… start dropping bombs on refugee boats for practice. That would certainly turn the boats back.

Now I know why they call it the cock / pit. Now I know why I make anti-war images using aircraft!

Dr Marcus Bunyan

Please click on the photograph for a larger version of the image.



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Michael Leunig. ‘Commemoration’ 2011

September 2011



Michael Leunig (Australian, b. 1945)



“It begins with ideas. Something like September 11 demands a narrative to explain it. But narratives are tricky, and frequently self-serving. They can obscure as much as they explain. And so it was. For Western political elites, September 11 quickly became a story about our own virtue. You will be familiar with the lines: it was an attack on the very idea of freedom; we were attacked, not for anything we did, but for nothing more than who we are; because we’re – in President George Bush’s phrase “the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world.” The consequences of this are profound. If the attack has nothing to do with us, then there is nothing to be done in response except bomb the problem out of existence. It cannot be managed, contained, or in any other way ameliorated.”

Waleed Aly writing in The Sunday Age newspaper, September 11, 2011, p. 13



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