William Kentridge in Melbourne at the Australian Centre for the Moving Image (ACMI)

March 2012



William Kentridge: Pain & Sympathy

In Conversation with William Kentridge
Tue 6 Mar 2012, 6.30pm at ACMI, Melbourne

William Kentridge: Anti-Entropy
Thu 8 March 2012, 6.30pm at ACMI, Melbourne



“One often thinks of seeing as a completely natural activity – your eyes open, there is the world in front of you, you’re not doing anything, just seeing. But what the studio and the process of making images demonstrates is that the activity of seeing is about constructing the world, constructing coherence… We are very involved in building coherence, in taking fragments that come from all places and acting as if there is a single coherent narrative.”

“I think to be an artist one does need a lack of self-consciousness, not thinking too hard about ‘What am I saying? Who am I?’. Who you are is going to be what you’ve made. There’s no escaping from who you are when the work is finally put together. If a work is pretentious, that tells you who you are. If it’s cautious, that tells you who you are. Whatever the subject matter, in the end it becomes about the person making it.”

William Kentridge quoted in Miriam Cosic. “Drawn from Life,” in Weekend Australian Review. Saturday March 3rd, 2012, p. 6.



Wise words from the master. Paul Strand said that the work becomes more your own once you remove ego out of the equation. Perhaps not remove ego, but in Jung’s sense integrate ego into the Self through the process of individuation. Then a more holistic, less grasping art might appear.

Dr Marcus Bunyan



Australian Centre for the Moving Image (ACMI)
Federation Square, Flinders St
Melbourne VIC 3000
Phone: (03) 8663 2200

ACMI website


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