Video: ‘What’s going on’ by Jonah

December 2011




I usually don’t post videos from You Tube but this is an exception. This work of self affirmation is as so moving and powerful as any great art work. I cried real hard when I watched this – for his hurt, for his strength, for the memory of what I went through.

I was bullied at school because of my sexuality; I cut myself from the age of 12 well into my late 20s; I have bipolar and depression and every day is a challenge, but it makes me who I am, it is part of my creativity. So many young gay men from all over the world commit suicide as I nearly did.

“According to Suicide Prevention Australia, 38% of gay people have experienced discrimination. 50% have experienced verbal abuse. And shockingly, 74% of this abuse happened at school. Around 30% of Australian gay teenagers will attempt suicide. In Australia, on average over 200 young people will suicide this year. Around 30% of Australia’s gay teenagers will attempt suicide. Gay teens are 14 times more likely to attempt suicide than their straight peers.”1

Jonah is so strong for posting this, he has so many people sending him good energy and thoughts. I admire his courage, I admire him – out there, being himself. Read the supportive comments of people who have viewed this video.

Human beings can be cruel and uncaring; what the world needs is more understanding and compassion not prejudiced violence causing pain and hurt. The bullies are the people that have the problem, not you Jonah. Stay strong and never surrender.

Dr Marcus Bunyan


  1. Anon. “Wear It Purple to support gay youth at risk,” on same same website 13th October 2010 [Online] Cited 04/12/2011. No longer available online




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Author: Dr Marcus Bunyan

Australian artist, curator and writer. Doctor of Philosophy (RMIT University), Melbourne. Master of Art Curatorship (University of Melbourne), Melbourne. Master of Arts (RMIT University), Melbourne. BA (Hons) (RMIT University), Melbourne. A.R.C.M. (Associate of the Royal College of Music), London.